We offer Quality Preschool at an affordable price, for children ages 3 to 5 years of age. Children are amazing! Their love of life and learning make each day a challenge and a gift. Watching through preschooler's eyes you can learn so much about yourself and life. As teachers we learn daily from them. It is a two way street. We give and teach them and get back so much more than one could ever believe. Come in and see how it really does all start with a ScRibbLe..
We follow Central Valley School Districts Schedule... See CVSD.org for Calendar Schedule. We start same week as Kindergarten on their schedule.
17702 E Sprague Ave (Across from Greenacres Middle School)
Spokane Valley, WA 99016
CLASS HOURS: SEPTEMBER 2024-JUNE 2025 Monday thru Friday 9:15am-11:45am AND 9:15am-1:15pm CLASS HOURS: SEPTEMBER 2025-JUNE 2026 Monday thru Friday 9:15am-11:45am AND 9:15am-1:15pm